[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3TbCyYSyAY?rel=0&cc_load_policy=1&hl=en&w=640&h=360]

As I’m speaking with the blokes in Chinese language, you’ll be able to flip at the subtitle to get additional knowledge.

On this video I proportion with you the residences close to shenzhen chegongmiao metro station.
As this station could have four metro strains, so it might be really easy to go back and forth to other a part of Shenzhen.
On this video, the apartment is named Donghai global apartment. It’s the latest and costliest one.

In subsequent video, I can display you some reasonable additionally close to chegongmiao metro.

Do not omit, extra new movies will duvet:
How to use Gmail or Fb in China
How to make a selection a proper SIM with 4G LTE
How to make reasonable global telephone calls
How much it prices to rent an apartment in Shenzhen

Recheck this video:


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