[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDFGgtUXB2o?rel=0&cc_load_policy=1&hl=en&w=640&h=360]


Houston and Dallas:
Web: www.RentToOwnHousesHouston.com

Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach:
Web: www.RentToOwnHousesMiami.com

Our Rent with Option to Acquire program helps folks which were changed into down during the banks get in to the home they would really like to acquire NOW.

We achieve the home you want to acquire and rent it once more to you at or spherical market rent until you’ve got the power to achieve.

Why rent when you can be in a position to rent with the selection to achieve?

Select nearly ANY space that is on the MLS between $150,000 and $450,000.

Alexander DiSaggio
Broker of The city Workforce Properties
Web: www.RentToOwnHousesHouston.com
Web: www.RentToOwnHousesMiami.com

Identify 713-36-HOUSE for more info | provided via The city Workforce Properties



Identify 713-36-HOUSE for more info | The city Workforce Properties



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