[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCWkZ1eOS_g?rel=0&cc_load_policy=1&hl=en&w=640&h=360]

This can be a listener’s query from “Ask Paula”, the per month episode the place Paula Pant solutions questions from Manage to pay for The rest podcast listeners.

An Manage to pay for The rest listener has a paid-off condominium and an Airbnb on her belongings. Great! However, she has a $160,000 loan on her personal space. She has $30,000 in the financial institution and desires to grasp: must she put it towards her loan, or use it to shop for some other belongings?

To hear the remainder of the episode and to learn the display notes, cross right here:

Do you’ve got a query to have Paula resolution at the display? Name it in out of your laptop or smartphone:

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