Properties and lands shall be of little need to the saints within the time of bother, for they are going to then have to escape prior to infuriated mobs, and at the moment their possessions can’t be disposed of to advance the reason for provide fact. I used to be proven that it’s the will of God that the saints must reduce free from each and every encumbrance prior to the time of bother comes, and make a covenant with God via sacrifice. If they have got their belongings at the altar and earnestly inquire of God for accountability, He’ll train them when to dispose of these items. Then they are going to be unfastened within the time of bother and don’t have any clogs to weigh them down. EW 56.three

I noticed that if any held directly to their belongings and didn’t inquire of the Lord as to their accountability, He would now not make accountability identified, and they might be accepted to stay their belongings, and within the time of bother it will arise prior to them like a mountain to weigh down them, and they might attempt to get rid of it, however would now not be in a position. I heard some mourn like this: “The cause was languishing, God’s people were starving for the truth, and we made no effort to supply the lack; now our property is useless. Oh, that we had let it go, and laid up treasure in heaven!” EW 57
