Acclaimed artist Tom Arthur is selling his Newtown home for $5.5 million.

After more than 30 years of calling Station St home, renowned artist Tom Arthur and his partner Sandra are selling their iconic Newtown property.
As a result of of cross to public sale next month on August 31, the four-bedroom home has an eye-watering $5.5 million price knowledge.
A sale spherical this price degree would see the home spoil the Newtown residential record that was set in 2017, when 20-28 Munni St purchased for $3.85 million, consistent with CoreLogic knowledge.

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The couple purchased the property in 1985 and completed an extensive renovation of the former masonic hall.

The Station St home was a former masonic hall.

Mr Arthur, who completed one the earliest jail warehouse conversions in Newtown, discussed converting this construction was a complete more thing. “It has been 30 years of labour and love, but we really wanted to preserve the original design and the ambience of the hall.”

           The Newtown home has a very good artist’s studio that takes up just about all of the basement. It choices an 11.8 metre via 10 metre workshop, along with an additional separate studio.

           RELATED: Artist Tom Arthur is selling his iconic Newtown home

The Koi pond.

The entire home is entire of paintings.

The rest of the property just about turns out like an paintings gallery with different pieces of paintings and artefacts scattered all through each and every and each room.
The construction is moreover unique inside the sense that the walls do not cross up to 4.8 metre-high ceiling, something Mr Arthur discussed was intentional.
“We did this as the ceilings are beautiful and it creates a sense of grandeur,” he discussed.

The main bedroom has a platform for the bed.

The property has a big workshop for Mr Arthur.

At the side of his daughter and grandchildren set to move to into their own home, Mr Arthur discussed after 30 years, now was the time to move on.
“I’m still in a state of denial that we are leaving, but now seems like the right time to move on to our next chapter,” he discussed.

When the property is going to public sale next month with The Corporate’s Ben Collier and David Talone, Mr Arthur hopes the new owner is any individual who will appreciate the construction and the advance.


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